grand daughter Anna Marie - now 2
grand son Sean - now 2
grand daughter Amber Lynn - new born
grand daughter Amber Lynn - Stats
grand niece Autumn - new born
Moore Family Crest 1
Moore Family Crest 2
4th grandchild Isabel
Amber - Why not? The dog did it.
Gettysburgh daughter Bonnie, son Justin
Sneakin' icing off of Granddad's cake
Happy Amber
Cool Anna age 3
Awning After Tornado
Awning With Tree After Tornado
Second Tree, other side of house.
Amber and the bubble machine (great grandma looks on)
Anna Loves this cat
Sean and Santa
So thats what happens when you put your tongue here...
My gun hobby
My 2006 Summer Vacation
New Grandson - Niece Wedding